What I'm reading right now

Image result for cat reading gifI don't read a lot of things usually, now that I'm in college I'm getting this habit of all the things that I get order to read, but as an student I decided to read a book by myself (not related to my career)
This book I think is a classic of the spanish language, It's called "100 años de soledad" by Gabriel García Marquez or one hundred years of loneliness in english, this book is kind of heavy, with a lot of chapters and interesting plots. 
I think of what I had been reading the book is about a particular family in a particular town, I don't know what the genre is, I think is fantasy, maybe with a little of drama and romance, a little of surrealism, and a lot of confusing things that I'm incapable of describe.


This is a warning for you who haven't read the book, I'm going to talk a little bit about the plot or the characters so be carefull

The book start and It indicates that the history is going to be told by a person because of the first phrase, but it turns out this character who is the son of one of the main characters Jose Arcadio Buendía, Aureliano, dies in the middle of the book, so now I'm concerned. This book kills the main characters just like that? I mean, he started a revolution but I didn't expect him to die.

One spoiler that I did to myself was to look a genealogical tree, and It has a lot of characters after Jose Arcadio Buendía and Ursula, are they gonna die soon? I hope not, but then It would be weird to have them really old age in the history, are they going to get sick? what is going to happen? I don't know.

It's a really fun book to read, a little complex for me but I don't read so much so maybe that's something that It kinda makes it more difficult. I really recommend this book, I'm sure if you are an spanish speaker you had hear of it.


  1. I have wrote this really long coment, about magic and everything but the internet conection failled so I lost what I was supossed to publish hahaha but what I was going to say was, that I really liked that self spoiler of looking to the genealogic trhee... I havent read the book but I found it really interesesting to do before do it, so I could understand it more clrearly.. im not a reader neither hahahha so hope u doing well !!! nice post

  2. I also read that Book when I was at School! I remember that I got very confuse with the family Tree, even thought that it's a nice book!

  3. I´ve never knew before that the principal character died in th middle of the book. I´ve get surprised for that little spoiler:)

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. That book is too long hahaha I had to read it at the school and I hate it, because it had a lot of characters and it was to difficult to understand.


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