A Job I Would Like To Have In The Future

Since I'm an architecture student, the obvious thing is that I want a job in an office designing houses, but I want to do more than that, and I hope so, not just sitting in a desk for hours doing plants, sections and elevations (It's not that I don't like doing all those things, but It can get a little repetitive).
Image result for gato trabajando gifI would love to work as a Professor in college, teaching architecture to the students and correct them. This wish since I entered college has been a revelation for me, I had never seen myself before as a teacher, but now is more present in me. Also I would love to work in the making of buildings, go to the process of construction and see the place that one day is going to be a new building, this sounds so exciting to me, is new people, new experience, new images everyday, and It can even enrich my experience as an architect.
What I mentioned before is because an office job is not something I would like to do the rest of my life, and architecture is more than that, so I'd love to explore more areas of my future career. And for this things I required more things that maybe they will not teach me in this years (I'm not sure) like helping someone with his homework or going to a construction and guide the workers to do the right thing, this are more human things that you may learn through your life instead of college, and that is what really makes me happy :)


  1. I never heard about someone who wanted to be an architect teacher, It´s very exciting

  2. I admire the passion you have about teaching, this is such an important thing we need rn! teachers with actually entusiasm about it!

  3. I like that you wanna teach to others about something that you like too much

  4. You have to be too patient to be a professor, it takes you a lot of time, but I think you are going to be the best.

  5. a good architect teacher can be consider a master as long as he can share his knowledge and human sense.

  6. Is good that you want to be a teacher of college and help to students in the future!


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